Reporting Concerns and the Carnegie Mellon University Ethics Hotline
As a member of the university community, you are responsible for reporting unethical or illegal behavior through your supervisor or other appropriate university official or through the Carnegie Mellon Ethics Hotline. Per university policy, individuals who make a good faith report of a suspected violation will not be reprimanded or retaliated against in any way.
Matters to Report and Campus Reporting Contacts
From the University Code of Business Ethics and Conduct:
Each member of the university community has the responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance and report suspected violations of this Code or any other applicable law or regulation, contractual or other obligation of the university or of university policy or procedure. Individuals are encouraged to report suspected violations through standard management channels, such as to their immediate supervisor or other appropriate university officials. However, an individual who for any reason feels uncomfortable reporting a suspected violation through established channels may file an anonymous report through the University's Ethics Reporting Hotline.
Academic and Student Life — Examples of concerns include discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment, alcohol/substance abuse, assault or abusive practices, misrepresentation of credentials, academic dishonesty and other academic or personal misconduct by any student (undergraduate or graduate)
- Office of the Dean of Students
412-268-2075 - Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX
412-268-7125 or
COVID-19 Pandemic Safety — Examples of concerns include violations of the university's pandemic safety requirements and guidelines
Environmental Health & Safety — Examples of concerns include vandalism and sabotage, unsafe working conditions, environmental issues, improper supplier/contractor activity, public safety issues and waste/abuse of university resources
- Office of Environmental Health & Safety
412-268-8182 or - Office of University Audit Services
Financial Matters — Examples of concerns include any issue that involves questionable accounting practices including billing, fraud, theft, or misuse of company funds; also any concerns regarding conflicts of interest, standards of conduct, or areas of compliance
- Office of the Chief Financial Officer
412-268-2992 - Office of the Vice President for Research
412-268-5073 - Office of University Audit Services
Human Resources — Examples of concerns include issues of harassment, sexual harassment and threats, discrimination, alcohol/substance abuse, mismanagement, time abuse and violation of university policies
- Office of Human Resources
412-268-9685 - Office of the Staff Ombudsperson
412-268-1018 or - Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX
412-268-7125 or
Information Systems — Examples of concerns include issues about computer and network security, data security and privacy, computer hacking, unsafe computing practices, software piracy, unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, and inappropriate use of system access and privileges
- Information Security Office
Research — Examples of concerns include issues concerning conflict of interest, falsifying reports, intellectual property infringement, misappropriation of grants and expenses, misusing university resources and scientific misconduct
- Office of the Vice President for Research
412-268-5073 - Office of Research Integrity and Compliance
Title IX — Examples of concerns include all forms of gender discrimination (including gender identity discrimination) and sexual misconduct impacting community members, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence and stalking
- Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX
412-268-7125 or
Filing an Anonymous Report Using the Ethics Hotline
You are encouraged to report suspected violations through established channels. However, in situations where you prefer to remain anonymous, CMU provides a hotline that all members of the university community should use to confidentially report suspected unethical or illegal activity relating to financial matters, academic and student life, human relations, health and campus safety or research.
Individuals can anonymously file a report by calling 844-587-0793 or visiting All submissions will be reported to the appropriate university office.
The hotline is NOT an emergency service. For on-campus emergencies, call University Police at 412-268-2323. For off-campus emergencies, call 911.
Confidentiality and Protection from Retaliation
Reports of suspected violations submitted to the Ethics Hotline may be made confidentially or anonymously. However, the more information that is given, the easier it is to investigate the reports.
Report It adheres to the highest level of professional business standards and practices and will not voluntary disclose your identity at any time without your consent.
Further, those bringing forth concerns in good faith are protected by the university's Code of Business Ethics and Conduct and Policy Against Retaliation:
"A report of a suspected violation is a service to the university and will not in itself jeopardize employment with the university. That is, no person who makes a good faith report of a suspected violation will be reprimanded or retaliated against in any way."